sunnuntai 29. marraskuuta 2020

Neulakintaat nollabudjetilla

 How to make nalbinding mittens with zero budget?

1. Pick some not-rotten stick

2. Carve it into a blunt needle, about the length of your index finger. Sand it with sandpaper or old nail file. If you want, finish the needle by rubbing some oil for extra smoothness.

3. Buy some cheap thick yarn from the recycling centre OR take a thick knitted garment from the free-of-charge department and rip it into yarn

4. Watch tutorials on nalbinding in youtube OR ask Pikku-Pinkku (me) to help AND make your own mittens!

Why nalbinding instead of regular knitting?

  • You can throw the unfinished work in the bottom of your backpack and it won't break apart
  • The fabric is quite thick and the wind won't go through so easily
  • You can work two mittens simultaneously, so it is easy to make them match
Sitten rehellisyyden nimissä myös lista miksi tavalliset lapaset eikä neulakintaat:
  • Tavallinen neulominen/virkkaaminen on paljon nopeampaa
  • Jos tulee virhe, niin työn purkaminen on todella työlästä (toisaalta neulos on aika anteeksiantavaa, levennyksiä ja kavennuksia voi tehdä minne vaan huomaamattomasti)
For completeness, why not nalbinding?
  • It's super slow
  • If you make a mistake, it's really hard to go back (however, small mistakes don't show easily, you can easily increase or decrease a few stitches here and there without it showing)

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